Motoring Clinic
On-The-Water (where else?) Motoring Clinic
We bet that the name of this clinic just puts you to sleep. Afterall, a day of motoring doesn’t sound very exciting. On the other hand, there aren’t many of us who haven’t discovered just how narrow that fairway is at one point or another. Your bow gets knocked down and you can’t swing her around and you’re getting pressed up against a row of boats…now that really can get exciting!
Years of experience tells us that the most harrowing and expensive moments of the day for most sailors comes when approaching or leaving a dock or mooring. Especially if you’re in a crowded anchorage or marina with little or no room to maneuver. Those are the moments when the most gelcoat damage is done. We’ve all been there. You need forward, no reverse, wait left rudder, no right, give it throttle (oops too much), maybe reverse (oh wait I’m in reverse), oh hell get out the boat hook and start fending off! It can be an awful experience and let’s face it, it’s not a fun way to start or end the day.
Let us help you through handling some of the most ticklish situations – giving you a better understanding of the dynamics of what’s going on under the boat and how to use it to your advantage instead of fighting it. We’ll also help you understand that sometimes doing “intuitive” things can be wrong and “counter-intuitive” actions can be the right way to go.
Take this clinic! It may not sound exciting, but after you’ve completed it, you will be a motoring god, or goddess as the case may be. All kidding aside, once you’ve learned to control your boat under power, you’ll find that your sailing day will be much more enjoyable.
This clinic is limited to four people per boat and reservations are required. For more information, the latest schedule, or to enroll call 833-214-8918