Coastal Navigation

US SAILING Traditional Coastal Navigation Certification: Plotting Courses for Successful Voyages Using Paper Charts

Since time immemorial, sailors have used and refined the techniques of “Deductive Reckoning” navigation to find their way in limited visibility or when out of sight of land. In this 4-day, 28-hour classroom course, you will learn all the tools, methods and applications of these time-honored skills, and discover the freedom and confidence that mastering navigation brings.

Cover of Coastal Navigation book


This optional Coastal Navigation course teaches you how to accurately deduce your position, plot courses taking into account set and drift and gives you the skills to make decisions based on tidal height and safe passage.

Topics Covered Include

  • Navigation Publications and Resources
  • Proper Use of Various Plotting Tools
  • Integrating Traditional and Electronic Navigation (Loran, GPS, RADAR)
  • Charting Conventions
  • Log-Keeping
  • Computing Range, Danger and Back Bearings


  • Four days/ 28 hours
  • Offered several times each year


$600 per person


There is no prerequisite for Traditional Coastal Navigation Certification and this course is not a prerequisite for any US Sailing Certifications.


Cover of Coastal Navigation book

Coastal Navigation, US SAILING
Included in cost of class.

Price: $600

Cancellation Policy