Asymmetrical Spinnaker Clinic
Okay, so racing is not your thing. And you’ve tried flying traditional spinnakers, but the resultant tangle of line in the cockpit is just too much. Still you’d like to go faster downwind than with a poled-out 110% headsail! Why not try out an asymmetrical spinnaker? It’s no fuss, no mess, NO POLE, NO SPAGHETTI, and it’s fast. Come see how simple and easy asymmetrical spinnakers are to fly.
This two day clinic will introduce you to the “cruising” spinnaker, setup, jibes, and douses. Saturday morning it’s down to the boat for dockside drills, learning how to rig and fly the spinnaker at the dock. In the afternoon session the fun begins as we head out onto the water to practice as many spinnaker runs as the day allows, rotating each participant through every position.
Sunday is devoted to a full day of sailing, getting as much work with the spinnaker up as possible. By the afternoon you will have gained a thorough understanding of how to hoist, fly, jibe, and douse an asymmetrical spinnaker. You will also have had one heck of a lot of fun.
This clinic is limited to four people per boat and reservations are required.
For more information, the latest schedule, or to enroll call 833-214-8918